STEP UP has built a network of cities who commit themselves to strong participation in STEP UP and its approach to developing SEAPs and innovative projects. Through the network, best practices and city updates are shared, along with resources, tools and approaches from STEP UP.
The Learning Network comprises STEP UP companion cities and other cities in an open network interested in enhancing their Sustainable Energy Action Plans (SEAPs).
Willing to share your best practices? Do you want to sign up to the learning network and be updated on new events and information on the STEP UP learning network site? Please email STEP UP on:

Within the framework of the STEP UP project, Learning Network workshops have been held alongside project partner meetings and relevant European events in Gothenburg, Ghent, Riga and Glasgow. These workshops have provided opportunities for cities to share their own experiences, city projects and SEAP development progress, and to discuss key challenges, priorities and ideas. For more information about the themes of the workshops and speakers presentations, see the links below:
Lighthouse Initiatives Workshop – Gothenburg, June 2013
SEAPs and Financial Opportunities of SEAPs Workshop – Ghent, November 2013
Enhanced SEAP's, Innovative Projects and Financing SEAP Actions Workshop-Riga, November 2014
STEP UP Sessions at All Energy-Glasgow, May 2015