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Webinar - City benefits of producing a SEAP - 13 March 2015




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STEP UP Final Newsletter

Our final STEP UP Newsletter has just gone out to our subscribers.  The newsletter has information updating you on each city's progress, SEAP and recent events and achievements. Click here to view our newsletter.

Celsius Smart Cities Workshop- 16th September 2015

This interactive workshop will bring together excellence from several advanced European Smart Cities projects that will put forward their expertise and their project results on integrated planning, energy efficiency and district energy solutions, among others.

MSc Global Sustainable Cities Brochure

The Institute for Future Cities (IFC) has published a new brochure for the MSc Global Sustainable Cities.
The Glasgow STEP UP team hosted an interactive webinar on ‘City benefits of producing a SEAP’ on Friday 13th of March 2015. The webinar was supported by Glasgow City Council, the University of Strathclyde and the Scottish Cities Alliance.

The webinar featured three experts on sustainable planning as guest speakers:

The Centre for Cities, established in 2005, is an independent, non-partisan research organisation and the first port of call for UK and international decision makers seeking to understand and improve UK cities’ economic performance. The Centre’s main goal is to understand how and why economic growth and change takes place in British cities and to produce research that helps cities improve their performance. Working for Centre for Cities Ed Clarke has produced a number of reports, including ‘how cities go low carbon while supporting economic growth’ that can be downloaded here

Ed Clarke’s presentation is available to download below.

Benefits of SEAP Webinar – 13th of March 2015 - Overview – Ed Clarke 

Chris Dalrymple – Glasgow City Council

Glasgow City Council is the largest of Scotland’s 32 local authorities with seven Service Departments and 11 Arms-Length External Organisations (ALEO’s) delivering all local authority services to Glasgow’s 600,000 residents. Chris Dalrymple is a Chartered Environmental Health Officer and has worked with Glasgow City Council since 2001. Chris has a wide experience in environmental subjects including Strategic Environmental Assessment, Climate Change and renewable energy. He joined GCC's City Energy Team in October 2014 following a successful secondment to GCC's Commonwealth Games team where he was the main point of contact for Greener Legacy, Cleansing, Parks, Environmental Health and Trading Standards.

Chris Dalrymple’s presentation is available to download below.

Benefits of SEAP Webinar – 13th of March 2015 – SEAP overview and Glasgow experience – Chris Dalrymple

Dieter Cuypers – VITO

VITO is a leading European independent research and technology organisation in the areas of cleantech and sustainable development. VITO provides innovative and high-quality solutions, whereby large and small companies can gain a competitive advantage, and advises industry and governments on determining their policy for the future. VITO has 750 highly-qualified employees who work on international projects all around the world. VITO’s headquarters are located in Mol, Belgium, and the company has a subsidiary in China. 

Dieter Cuypers’ presentation is available to download below.

Benefits of SEAP Webinar – 13th of March 2015 – European perspective – Dieter Cuypers


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