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STEP UP Seminar at SPECIAL - Gothenburg




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STEP UP Final Newsletter

Our final STEP UP Newsletter has just gone out to our subscribers.  The newsletter has information updating you on each city's progress, SEAP and recent events and achievements. Click here to view our newsletter.

Celsius Smart Cities Workshop- 16th September 2015

This interactive workshop will bring together excellence from several advanced European Smart Cities projects that will put forward their expertise and their project results on integrated planning, energy efficiency and district energy solutions, among others.

MSc Global Sustainable Cities Brochure

The Institute for Future Cities (IFC) has published a new brochure for the MSc Global Sustainable Cities.

STEP UP Seminar at SPECIAL (professional development/education)

SPECIAL is a four day course arranged by the Association for Planning (Föreningen för samhällsplanering), The Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR) and The County Board in Västra Götaland County. The Training is targeted at urban planners, energy and environmental strategists and traffic and transport planners in the Gothenburg region's municipalities. The aim is to increase knowledge and skills on how issues relating to sustainable energy use and supply can better integrate into the municipal social planning.

Energy Matrix in use at SPECIAL Seminar

The STEP UP seminar took place on the first day of the course, the 1st of April 2014 with the theme “Energy planning with city development focus". Anna Svensson from the City planning office at the City of Gothenburg led the STEP UP seminar, with particular focus on the Energy Matrix and Energy Model and how energy planning can be integrated with wider city planning. The lecture was followed by a workshop in the afternoon, where participants got the chance to put the energy matrix into use for themselves and see how it can assist with integrated energy planning.  

Learning Network

Participants at the seminar and workshop were 25 planners (energy and climate planners, traffic planners and city planners) from the 13 municipalities of The Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities (GR). Both the seminar and the workshop encouraged lively discussions and participants were able to tie the approach to their own areas of interest and municipalities. The group continued working with the matrix approach during the following days of the course.

A full evaluation of the seminar and workshop will follow which will be part of a larger evaluation of the full three-day course.  

Further documents:

Invitation and programme (in Swedish only):

SPECIAL Basic Göteborgsregionen inbjudan (PDF)

SPECIAL Basic Göteborgsregionen inbjudan-anmälan (PDF)


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