EU FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme)
The link above provides all you need to know about FP7 (EU Seventh Framework programme). Fact sheets include information that answer questions on FP7 like - "What is FP7?" - "What is the budget?" - "Who decides what areas will be financed and on what basis?"
This link below outlines FP7 objectives.
Main objectives of FP7

ARTS Project
The ARTS project is committed to understand the role and impact of transition initiatives in cities and examine the conditions that can aid accelerating change towards a sustainable low-carbon society. New initiatives, ideas and products change the way we relate to each other and to our environment, as well as the way we define and fulfill our needs. Transition initiatives are the pulse of transformative change, by demonstrating and innovating how citizens and communities can live sustainably. With this realization come a number of critical questions concerning their impact in changing conventional course of action and in balancing imperative for change with remaining inclusive to citizens in their context.

EU Gugle
EU-GUGLE aims to demonstrate the feasibility of nearly-zero energy building renovation models in 6 pilot cities in view of triggering large-scale, Europe-wide replication in smart cities and communities by 2020.
An EU project in the large scale deployment of smart energy cities, CELSIUS demonstrates and promotes integration of smart district heating and smart district cooling. CELSIUS supports committed European cities to maximize the utilization of its primary and secondary energy resources in an integrated way that minimizes its operational costs and carbon emissions while maximizing its energy efficiency.
The PLEEC project – "Planning for Energy Efficient Cities" – funded by the EU Seventh Framework Programme uses an integrative approach to achieve the sustainable, energy–efficient, smart city. By coordinating strategies and combining best practices, PLEEC will develop a general model for energy efficiency and sustainable city planning.
URBACTURBACT is a European exchange and learning programme (*) promoting sustainable urban development.
IREEN - ICT Roadmap for Energy Efficient Neighbourhoods
IREEN is a strategy project which examines the ways that ICT for energy efficient and performance can be extended beyond individual homes and buildings to the wider context of neighbourhoods and communities.
IREEN is funded under the EC’s 7th Framework Programme as a Coordination and Support Action.
EFFESUS is a research project investigating the energy efficiency of European historic urban districts and developing technologies and systems for its improvement. The term “historic urban district” in the context of EFFESUS, is defined as a significant grouping of “old” buildings built before 1945 and representative of the period of their construction or history, not necessarily protected by heritage legislation. EFFESUS is funded by the European Commission under its Seventh Framework Programme.
CONCERTO is a European Commission initiative within the European Research Framework Programme (FP6 and FP7). Responding to the facts that buildings account for 40 % of total energy consumption in the Union, for 33% of CO2 emissions and that 70% of the EU's energy consumption and a similar share of GHG emission take place in cities, with a huge untappted potential for cost-effective energy savings, it aims to demonstrate that the energy-optimisation of districts and communities as a whole is more cost-effective than optimising each building individually, if all relevant stakeholders work together and integrate different energy-technologies in a smart way.
NICE Project
Networking intelligent Cities for Energy Efficiency is a FP7 funded project which supports cities in the achievement of their goals as outlined by the Green Digital Charter.