WP5 - Dissemination and Replication
Objectives :
- Availability of the tools, expertise, and lessons learnt from the STEP-UP project in formats that are engaging and easy to use by people in a wide range of functions in cities, and relevant organisations ,in order to deliver improved skills, knowledge, and expertise
- Increased awareness and adoption of the tools, lessons learnt, and expertise from the STEP-UP project to achieve significantly enhanced city energy plans in at least 15 cities in Europe and beyond
- Promotion and adoption of these techniques in relevant other sectors – such as energy companies, the financial sector, training organisations – in order to promote faster and improved adoption in cities
- Support and engagement from regional and national governments to achieve impact in networks of cities across whole countries
- Greater impact and resources for dissemination through adaption and integration of key messages and products from the STEP-UP Project in dissemination and replication activities operated by cites and other organisations.
Description of Work and Role of Partners :
The dissemination and replication work package aims to engage cities by demonstrating that the integrated approach taken by STEP-UP adds genuine value to delivery of policy objectives including achievement of faster and higher carbon emissions reductions, improved energy efficiency; faster growth of low carbon energy; urban regeneration; creation of jobs; improved economics; increased investment; and reduction in fuel poverty.
Dissemination activities in the project target key audiences that are likely to gain the greatest benefits from these techniques, that show greatest propensity to adopt these tools, have greatest likelihood to be involved in the development and implementation of sustainable city projects and strategies, or can act as channels to a wider range of organisations and cities.
Key Outputs:
Training Sessions – A number of training courses and sessions have been designed and delivered by STEP UP cities for the benefit of the learning network of cities. These sessions have focussed on a range of different topics in sustainable city planning, with many materials and resources available online.
Masters Programmes – Two Masters programmes have been developed by STEP UP partners University of Strathclyde and Riga Technical University, building on real world experiences and outputs from STEP UP, with the objective of providing graduates with the necessary knowledge, skills and capabilities to deliver sustainable city planning in practice.
Contact - Gavin Slater - Glasgow City Council